Test Execution Summary Report
Test Execution Summary Report gives number of test cases executed by different testers along with total execution time.
Look for indicators: analyze, decide and improve processes :
Indicator | Conclusion / Deciding Factor | Action | Process Improvement |
Number of Test Cases executed by a particular tester is very high as compared to time taken for execution. |
Test cases picked by that tester are straight forward with less number of steps and complexity. Application area is newly developed or not tested before. |
NA |
NA |
Users can also refer to these detailed reports for more details :
1. Test Execution Detail :
Users can see all test cases executed by a particular tester with details like Application Area, Title, Status, Tested By, Executed On and Duration i.e. time taken to execute the test case.
Use => We can see test cases which are taking more time for execution and see whether we can reduce this time by writing simple steps or reducing number of steps.