Browser Wise Bug Summary Reports

Browser Wise Bug Summary Report shows number of bugs filed for different browsers during filtered dates.

Look for indicators : analyze, decide and improve processes :

Indicator Conclusion / Deciding Factor Action Process Improvement

Number of bugs on a particular browser is very high.

Testers are testing application on this browser more.

This browser doesn’t support few of the features which we used in our application.

Testers should be testing application on all prevalent browsers.

We should not support this browser.

1. All prevalent browsers should be used for testing the application. This should be mentioned in Test Cases.

2. Before supporting any browser, check whether that browser supports all features which your application is going to use.

Number of bugs on a particular browser is very less.

Testers are not using this browser to test your application.

There are no browser specific issues for this browser.

Testers should use all prevalent browsers to test your application.

You can mention that your application runs best on this browser.

1. All prevalent browsers should be used for testing the application. This should be mentioned in Test Cases.

Users can also refer to these detailed reports for more details :

1. Browser Bug Details :

This sub report shows list of all bugs filed for a particular browser. This report contains details like Bug Id, Test Case Id (if applicable), Title of bug and date on which the bug was last updated on.

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