Release Wise Bug Summary Reports

Release Wise Bug Summary Report shows number of bugs filed for different releases during filtered dates.

Look for indicators : analyze, decide and improve processes :

Indicator Conclusion / Deciding Factor Action Process Improvement

Number of bugs is less for a particular release.

Good quality code was written which resulted in less bugs.

Team could give more time to feature development than bug fixing.

Follow similar process, quality checks for future releases as well.


Number of bugs is very high for a particular release.

Quality of the code was not so good which resulted in more bugs.

Team had to put lot of time for bug fixing which could have used for feature development.

Team members should be given proper training of application and technology.

1. Developers should be having good understanding of technology/application.

Users can also refer to these detailed reports for more details :

1. Release Bug Details :

This sub report shows list of all bugs filed for a particular release. This report contains details like Bug Id, Test Case Id (if applicable), Title of bug and date on which the bug was last updated on.

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